February 21, 2012
LED Projectors
The world of projectors is constantly changing, but one thing that remains the same is the light source used by the projectors. But that is now changing with the introduction of LED (Light emitting diode) light source. LED light sources have some advantages over conventional lamps. LED projectors require little lamp maintenance, as there is no lamp to be changed. Also, LED light sources last significantly longer (estimated 10 to 40 years) than the traditional lamps and use less power. Then there is the color...most LED projectors deliver fabulous color range, with intensified reds, greens, and blues. Most important, LED projectors' image stability, saturated colors, and accurate rendition of color-rich charts and multimedia content.
So what is the negative? First of all since LED is still considered a new technology for projectors...they are going to cost a little bit more. Also, as far lumens go, the LED currently is about half of the traditional projector lamp.
When it comes down to it, the end users just needs to do a side-by-side comparison to really see the difference.